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Breakthrough Discovery of New Drug to Treat Aggressive Brain Cancer

Discovery of New Drug to Treat Aggressive Brain Cancer
Neuroscientists at Sheba Medical Center have discovered a drug that could potentially cure terminally ill patients suffering from Glioblastoma (GBM), a particularly aggressive form of brain cancer.

Glioblastoma is widely regarded as the most common and life-threatening type of primary brain tumor. Research on treatments for GBM has been conducted extensively, yet the results have been limited and there is presently no cure for the disease.

Dr. Efrat Shavit-Stein and Professor Yoav Chapman have been developing this revolutionary treatment at the Joseph Sagol Neuroscience Center, at Sheba. They recently published the groundbreaking results in the leading journal Frontiers in Neurology. In their studies, they created a drug called SIXAC. During the first stage of testing, the effect of SIXAC on tumor cell cultures was analyzed and found to have reduced the rate of tumor growth, the cells’ ability to create colonies, and their capability to form extensions that penetrate the brain tissue.

In this highly progressive study at Sheba, the drug was injected directly into the high-grade malignant brain tumors of animals. In approximately 10 percent of the animals, the drug “significantly extended life and actually cured them of the disease,” as reported by researchers.

Currently, the research team at Sheba is continuing to develop SIXAC and its administration – striving to implement it “as soon as possible” for treating humans who suffer from deadly brain tumors. “The progress of research and development from now on will depend to a large extent on the financial investment in the project,” said Dr. Shavit-Stein.

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