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A Sanctuary of Healing: Sheba Inaugurates New War Victim Rehabilitation Center

The story of Sheba Medical Center is profoundly interlinked with Israel’s. Founded in 1948 alongside the country, Sheba evolved with it and became a beacon of care and hope. The new Victims of War Rehabilitation Center underscores our steadfast commitment to holistic care, both in Israel and worldwide.  It includes 36 beds and is equipped […]

Silent Heroes: Milana’s Story of Care and Hope

“I would like to tell people that they are in safe hands, that they have someone to turn to. The main thing is for them to know that they are not alone.” Working with patients who are dealing with potentially terminal illnesses and are going through the toughest time of their lives is incredibly challenging. […]

Hope and Healing: Rima’s Mission at Sheba

“After many years in healthcare, seeing patients smile and go home healthy and happy motivates me to keep working hard.” Choosing what you want to do with your life is a big decision, and at Sheba, we are proud to have a staff of dedicated professionals committed to spending their time caring for others. One […]
MPCheck Technology

Innovative MPCheck Technology Transforms Virtual Care for Sheba’s Patients 

Sheba Medical Center’s virtual hospital, Sheba Beyond, is leading the way in transforming healthcare delivery with its innovative approach to virtual care. By leveraging advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence and telemedicine, Sheba’s virtual hospital is revolutionizing the patient experience, making quality healthcare accessible from the comfort of one’s home. The MPCheck technology was invented by […]

The Global Impact of Aidoc’s AI Technology: Sheba’s Commitment to Enhancing Patient Care

In an era defined by rapid technological advancement, Sheba stands at the nexus of innovation and patient care. In a recent Sheba study published in the International Journal of Emergency Medicine, an AI algorithm developed by Aidoc for early detection of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) showed significant promise for patients across the globe. Founded at Sheba, […]
Nadav's Tale of Bravery and Recovery

Resilience Amid Adversity: Nadav’s Journey from Ordeal to Recovery at Sheba Medical Center

Living in Kibbutz Magen, Nadav, a local elementary school teacher and a father of three, was a symbol of community spirit. His involvement in the town’s Kitat Konenut, a volunteer rapid response group, showcased his willingness to protect and serve his community. However, a recent harrowing incident tested Nadav’s resolve and highlighted the essential role […]

New Mitochondrial Transplant Research Offers Hope for Children with Rare Genetic Diseases

Researchers at Sheba have reported promising results following the first-ever mitochondrial transplants in children with rare genetic diseases. In a groundbreaking study published in Science Translational Medicine, six patients showed small yet significant improvements in their symptoms after receiving healthy mitochondria from their mothers. Mitochondria play a crucial role in the functioning of nearly every […]
gene therapy

Miracle at Sheba: Transformative Gene Therapy Breathes Hope into Rare Disease Fight

Adiroop Kumar was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease called AADC deficiency at only six months old. The condition is caused by changes to the gene that produces the enzyme AADC, responsible for producing hormones like dopamine and serotonin, crucial for proper brain and nervous system development. From a young age, Adiroop suffered from irreversible […]
Treating Retinoblastoma in Afghanistan

Making History Together: Treating Retinoblastoma in Afghanistan Through the New Silk Road Project

In Afghanistan, there are approximately 100 new cases of retinoblastoma diagnosed every year. A type of eye cancer that primarily affects young children, recent advances have made retinoblastoma highly treatable when diagnosed and handled properly, with a very high chance of saving both the patient’s eyesight and life. This, however, is hard to achieve in […]