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Search Results for:"Hemato Oncology"

FAQ: Can adults get osteosarcoma?

In most cases, osteosarcoma is found in teenagers and young adults, but in some rare cases, adults can be diagnosed with it too.

FAQ: How is osteosarcoma treated?

When a patient gets diagnosed with osteosarcoma, the first step in their treatment is usually surgery to remove the primary tumor. Additionally, they will receive chemotherapy sometimes after but sometimes before the surgery. If the surgery can’t be performed for whatever reason or if it was performed but the doctors weren’t able to completely remove […]

FAQ: What are the stages of osteosarcoma?

Osteosarcoma has four different stages (stages 1, 2, 3, and 4). The higher the stage gets, the more severe the disease is.

FAQ: How is osteosarcoma diagnosed?

For a person to be diagnosed with osteosarcoma, their doctor will first perform a physical exam and look for any abnormal lumps or masses. Further examination will include biopsies, lab tests and imaging tests. If all of the abovementioned tests suggest the patient might be suffering from osteosarcoma, the doctor will refer them for a […]

FAQ: What are the symptoms of osteosarcoma?

The most common symptoms of osteosarcoma include:

FAQ: What are the risk factors of osteosarcoma?

Some of the risk factors linked to osteosarcoma are:

FAQ: What causes osteosarcoma?

Osteosarcoma is caused by genetic mutations that are acquired during one’s lifetime, usually between the ages of 10 and 19. In some cases, these changes can occur due to radiation therapy but most of the time they are random and unexplainable.

FAQ: What are the types of osteosarcoma?

There are two different types of osteosarcoma: the central (medullary) tumor and the surface (peripheral) tumor.

FAQ: What is osteosarcoma?

Osteosarcoma is the most common type of bone cancer.