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Search Results for:"Hemato Oncology"

FAQ: How does Ewing sarcoma start?

Ewing sarcoma starts when a cell’s DNA changes. Since this DNA instructs the cell on what to do, these changes cause cells to multiply quickly and continue living instead of dying, resulting in the formation of cancerous cells.

FAQ: How does Ewing sarcoma affect the body?

Ewing sarcoma often causes weakening of the affected bone and also bone fractures.

FAQ: How common is Ewing sarcoma?

Ewing sarcoma is very uncommon and these tumors account for only 1% of all childhood cancers.

FAQ: Can adults get Ewing sarcoma?

Even though Ewing sarcoma mostly affects children and adolescents, adults can still get it even though that is a very rare occurrence.

FAQ: What are the stages of Ewing sarcoma?

Just like with all other cancers, the severity and progress of Ewing sarcoma is measured in stages. The possible stages are 1, 2, 3 and 4, going from least to most severe.

FAQ: How is Ewing sarcoma diagnosed?

If a person has symptoms that might indicate the presence of Ewing sarcoma, their doctor will order tests such as biopsies, lab tests and imaging tests. If any of these show abnormalities of some kind, a biopsy will then be ordered. This is the only surefire way to diagnose Ewing sarcoma.

FAQ: What are the risk factors of Ewing sarcoma?

Statistically, Ewing sarcoma largely affects Caucasian males ages 10-20, so we can say that the biggest risk factors are race, age and gender. However, this doesn’t have to be the case, there are some exceptions to this.

FAQ: What causes Ewing sarcoma?

Ewing sarcoma is genetic, meaning it is caused by an abnormal genetic change in tumor cells. However, that does not mean it is passed onto children from parents.

FAQ: What are the symptoms of Ewing sarcoma?

The main symptoms of Ewing sarcoma are tenderness, swelling and pain in the affected area. All of these symptoms get progressively worse with time. Some less common symptoms include weight loss and severe tenderness.