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4 Advantages of Stomach Cancer Treatment in Israel

Stomach Cancer Treatment

Existing knowledge on stomach cancer – such as what causes it, the most effective screening tests and how it can be prevented – is still quite limited. We know this devastating cancer begins in the cells that line the stomach, and chronic disease, age and diet are all possible risk factors. Also, we know that most cases of gastric cancer are diagnosed at a late stage, when treatment is more complex. However, advances in medical technology and cutting-edge stomach cancer treatment in Israel offer hope.

4 Advantages of Stomach Cancer Treatment in Israel

What’s special about stomach cancer treatment in Israel?

The majority of stomach cancers, particularly in patients from Western countries, are classified as gastric adenocarcinomas and categorized into five stages – from stage 0, when abnormal cells are detected only in the stomach, to stage 4, when the tumor is metastatic and has spread to other organs. At Sheba Medical Center, the Gastrointestinal Cancer Department combines leading technologies, the most progressive techniques learned from premier cancer centers, and an integrative, individualized approach to treating stomach cancer at any stage. When it comes to treatment for stage IV stomach cancer, promising breakthrough therapies are currently in use in Israel.

1. Collaborative Care – Stomach Cancer Treatment in Israel

Physicians in Israel constantly partner with cancer specialists around the world to provide the latest therapies. In addition to collaborating with leading international hospitals, the doctors at Sheba Medical Center comprise a multidisciplinary team, including GI oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists, surgeons and support staff. Each medical team is tailored to address the holistic needs of the individual.

2. HIPEC & PIPAC – Revolutionary Chemotherapy Treatment for Stomach Cancer

HIPEC: Over the past decade, the use of HIPEC (hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy) has increased dramatically. HIPEC is a “wash” that bathes the abdominal cavity in a very high concentration of chemotherapy drugs heated to about 107.6 °F (42 °C). It is typically used as a follow-up procedure for the surgical removal of abdominal lesions and tumors. Because HIPEC is an intricate and unique procedure, it is essential to receive this treatment at an outstanding hospital with highly qualified, experienced staff. At Sheba, more than 500 patients have already been treated with HIPEC, after which a significant number of patients did not require further chemotherapy and added years to their life.

PIPAC: A leading-edge treatment for stomach cancer, PIPAC (pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy) is an advanced method of delivering chemotherapy. It administers extremely concentrated, aerosolized drugs directly into the abdominal cavity. In this form, the chemo can penetrate the tumor more deeply and help prevent it from spreading. When used in combination with systemic chemo, PIPAC helps to control peritoneal (abdominal) metastasis – with fewer negative effects on the body. PIPAC is most effective for palliation and down-staging patients who are not at the end stage of the disease.

3. Affordable Medicine

Sheba Medical Center is a government institution, with fully transparent fees. The cost of stomach cancer treatment in Israel with PIPAC and HIPEC is lower than at other top hospitals worldwide. Benefit from affordable costs and top treatments – without compromising on quality.

What’s special about stomach cancer treatment in Israel

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