
Multiple Myeloma Treatment in Israel

Ranked amid Newsweek’s Top 10 Hospitals in the world, Sheba Medical Center offers a diverse range of treatment options for multiple myeloma. Learn more about this cancer and our personalized approach, which has impacted thousands of individuals from Israel and across the globe, including India.

Sheba Ranked Amid Newsweek's
Top 10 Hospitals in the World

For six consecutive years, Sheba has been recognized as one of the best hospitals in the world. This accolated is especially reflected in our innovative approach to cancer care. Renowned as one of the best hospitals for oncology treatment which includes personalized care, cutting-edge research, and advanced treatment plans.


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Best Hospital
in the World


Active Research




Patients Annually

Exploring Sheba’s Treatment Options for Multiple Myeloma

What is Multiple Myeloma?

Multiple myeloma is a hematologic malignancy arising from plasma cells. It poses a significant challenge in clinical practice, as the condition is marked by uncontrolled plasma cell growth in the bone marrow, causing diverse clinical complexities.

The abnormal plasma cells produce monoclonal proteins, which can lead to complications like kidney damage and anemia. Multiple myeloma is a complex disease that requires ongoing management and monitoring to mitigate its impact on overall health.

CAR T Treatment

An Advance Treatment Providing Renewed Hope

With five years of experience, Sheba is one of the first medical facilities in the world to implement the use of CAR-T treatment. Patients receive chemotherapy to facilitate CAR T proliferation before reinfusion. This treatment stands out for its capacity to achieve cancer remission, as the cells can persist and actively target cancer over time. This treatment is exclusively available at specialized medical facilities such as Sheba Medical Center and the whole process is internal within our labs.

Additional Treatment Plans

  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted Therapy
  • Radiation Therapy
  • Bone Marrow Transplant

Leading the Hemato-Oncology Division

Prof. Arnon Nagler MD MSc

President of the Hemato-Oncology Center at Sheba Medical Center

Prof. Arnon Nagler

Throughout his distinguished academic and clinical career spanning over 40 years, Prof. Nagler has maintained a primary focus on bone marrow transplantation and immunotherapeutic approaches for hematological malignancies. His recent research endeavors center on developing innovative treatment strategies for these conditions, including CAR T-treatment , as well as enhancing outcomes following hematopoietic transplantation (HSCT).

The Hemato Oncology Division

Sheba’s Hemato-Oncology Division specializes in comprehensive, compassionate care for patients with blood-related cancers and disorders. Our team comprises internationally recognized physicians and clinicians who are leaders in the field. We utilize advanced techniques for diagnosing and treating hematologic cancers,while aiming for the best possible outcomes for our patients. From the initial consultation and diagnosis through treatment and recovery, our experienced professionals deliver superior cancer care. Our modern and comfortable facilities, coupled with state-of-the-art technologies, enhance the patient experience.

Why Patients from India Are Choosing Sheba

Sheba provides state-of-the-art medical care for thousands of individuals from around the world, including India. With a dedicated team of medical professionals, our patient-centric approach guarantees access to cutting-edge technologies, personalized treatment plans, transparent communication, and inclusive care, irrespective of cultural, racial, or religious backgrounds. Here’s how they will benefit from our care:

  • Clinical consultation with Sheba’s medical staff available prior to arrival.
  • Comprehensive support for transportation, accommodations, and visas during your visit.
  • Personal coordinator and translator provided for assistance throughout your stay.
  • Open and transparent fees as a government hospital, offering outstanding and affordable Western medicine.
  • Partnership with the MD Anderson Cancer Center in the United States.

Schedule a consultation today and we will provide a tailored treatment plan to suit your needs.

Patient Story:

Sam’s CAR T Therapy at Sheba

When Sam Turel faced a challenging diagnosis of diffuse large b-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), he sought treatment options at Sheba. Undergoing CAR T treatment , he was able to achieve a complete remission from DLBCL. This treatment, coupled with the expertise of Sheba’s medical professionals, led to Sam having a new lease on life. Ultimately, his journey underscores the importance of seeking specialized care and making informed decisions in managing complex medical conditions.

Request a consultation

Sheba Medical Center provides innovative, personalized medical care to patients from around the world. We are the largest, most comprehensive hospital in the Middle East and dedicated to providing advanced and compassionate medicine for everyone.

We welcome all cases, including the rarest and the most challenging. Our medical teams collaborate to provide the best possible health outcomes. From your initial inquiry through the long-term follow-up care, we are here for you.

Request a consultation and a Sheba Case Manager will contact you shortly: