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Patient Knowledge Base

FAQ: Are there cafes and stores on Sheba’s campus?

Is there a cafe on Sheba’s campus?

Yes, there are several cafes and coffee shops on our hospital campus. They are open daily to serve breakfast and lunch, and closed in the evenings (Hours: 8am – 7 or 8pm).

Are there stores on Sheba’s campus?

Yes, for your convenience we have a number of stores located in our Mercaz Hazomet small shopping mall and Sheba Market. There is a small supermarket, a Superpharm drugstore, cafes, a florist and gift shop, and several more useful stores.

Sheba Market, the supermarket, and Superpharm drugstore are all located near the entrance of the Hospitalization Tower. The Sheba Market operates until 11 am, and the supermarket operates until 7 pm.

The Mercaz Hazomet shopping mall is accessible from the 4th floor of the parking garage, with bridges that connect to the General Hospital, the Children’s Hospital, the Outpatient Clinics, and the Obstetrics and Gynecology Division.

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