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Search Results for:"Cancer Treatment"

What is the difference between multiple myeloma and myelofibrosis?

Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell cancer affecting bone marrow, causing bone issues. Myelofibrosis is a disorder of blood cell production, leading to scarring of the bone marrow. They differ in origin, symptoms and treatments.

What is the difference between multiple myeloma and MDS?

Multiple myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells, leading to bone-related symptoms, while myelodysplastic syndromes involve dysfunctional blood cell production. Distinct in origin, symptoms and treatments, both require individualized care.

What is the difference between multiple myeloma and leukemia?

In contrast to leukemia, a cancer characterized by immature blood cells circulating in the bloodstream, myeloma cells typically remain localized in the bone marrow. The challenges posed by myeloma cells and the treatment approaches differ from those of leukemia.

What is refractory multiple myeloma?

Refractory multiple myeloma is a form of blood cancer that fails to improve or ceases to respond to treatment.

What is a paraprotein level in multiple myeloma?

In multiple myeloma, a paraprotein level refers to the abnormal monoclonal protein produced by cancerous plasma cells. This elevated level can be detected through tests like serum protein electrophoresis and immunofixation, aiding in diagnosis and treatment planning.

Is itching a symptom of multiple myeloma?

Cutaneous itching in multiple myeloma can be caused by treatments or, rarely, by complications associated with the cancer.

Eric’s Quest: Finding Hope for Alexandra’s Stage 4 Neuroblastoma in Israel

Alexandra was deemed a high-risk patient, and doctors told Eric that, sadly, there was nothing they could do to help her. Eric refused to give up, explaining: “It was either do something or gradually watch Alexandra lose her life.” And so he decided to start exploring treatment options abroad. Following days and weeks searching online […]

Can multiple myeloma turn into leukemia?

While multiple myeloma and leukemia are both cancers of the blood and bone marrow, they arise from different types of cells. Multiple myeloma originates from plasma cells, while leukemia starts in the early forms of white blood cells. It’s rare for myeloma to “turn into” leukemia. However, some treatments for multiple myeloma, especially certain chemotherapies, […]

Can multiple myeloma cause kidney failure?

Yes, kidney failure is a possible complication of multiple myeloma. The cancerous cells produce abnormal proteins which can deposit in the kidneys, impairing their function. Additionally, elevated calcium levels due to bone breakdown can further stress the kidneys. Early detection and intervention, including hydration and specific treatments, can help prevent or manage kidney complications.